Upcoming Film Screening: Eating Up Easter

The most remote inhabited island in the Pacific Ocean, Rapa Nui (Easter Island, Chile), occupies a place in the popular imagination with its iconic stone statues. It is in the remoteness and beauty of this landscape that filmmakers Sergio Mata’u Rapu and Elena Kouneski Rapu documented the paradoxes that arise when indigenous and local communities seek both economic development and ecological sustainability. 

Season 3, Episode 18: David Holmgren on Energy Descent Scenarios and Climate Change

Co-Founder of the Permaculture movement, David Holmgren, talks to Spencer and Laurie about his analysis and predictions in his book Future Scenarios, his assessment that we are still in the "Brown Tech" energy descent scenario, and the implications for society moving forward. Holmgren Design: https://holmgren.com.au Online Writing: https://holmgren.com.au/permaculture-ideas-and-actions/writings/ Future Scenarios: https://www.futurescenarios.org Maurin Academy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/maurinacademy... Continue Reading →

Tuesday, Join us for a Roundtable on Why You Should Consider Doing Food Differently

The last session in our food preservation series, next week on March 26, is a roundtable (including but not limited to Ryan, Chris, Spencer, Emily, Laurie) on the reasons why you should consider taking the time to do food differently. We will be getting into the social, cultural, economic and political ramifications of our food system and our choices. Join us by supporting u on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/maurinacademy

Learn how to can, ferment and generally preserve your own food!

The Maurin Academy wants to inspire you to take action in your own back yard, or someone else’s back yard. We have a short series on canning, fermenting, and why food preservation is a good idea. Deacon Chris May is going to show us basic canning tomorrow, March 12! Join us: Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/canning-fermenting-and-why-tickets-851234283657 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/maurinacademy... Continue Reading →

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